Body & Fitness

Five reasons why Prosecco is actually good for you

All the more reason to indulge in a glass this festive season!

Aside from filling our hearts with happiness, we weren’t under the impression that Prosecco was really that good for us.

But as it turns out, the Italian export actually comes with a whole host of unexpected health benefits.

It’s good for the heart

According to research from the University of Reading, those bubbles contain polyphenols that can help lower your blood pressure and increase circulation – giving your heart a little health boost.

The senior researcher on the study, Dr Jeremy Spencer, says one glass a week is enough to reap the benefits of this bubbly treat.

And the lungs too

According to research from the University of Buffalo wine in general – but especially white wine varieties – is good for the lungs.

It’s thought that the anti-oxidants found in wine can stop the creation of free radicals – that can wreak havoc on lung tissue.

Turns out sparkling wine has a whole host of health benefits

It helps skin glow

Studies have shown that the antioxidants found in wine (see above) also have great benefits when it comes to your skin. They’re particularly good for those who suffer from oily skin or breakouts.

It can boost sex life

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine women who drink one to two glasses of Prosecco or other carbonated wines, enjoy heightened sexual desire. Apparently this is thought to be thanks to the drink’s rich antioxidant properties, that helps produce nitric oxide in the blood. This increases blood flow, therefore aiding arousal.

It can lower your risk of diabetes

A study from Canada showed that wine, including the sparkling variety, can lower your risk of developing diabetes by 13%. However, it’s worth noting that people who already have diabetes should take care while drinking alcohol as it affects their blood sugar levels.

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