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Woman left in life-long agony due to mouldy house

The woman from New York has been increasingly ill since childhood, and now doctors believe they've discovered the terrifying cause.
Dana Anhalt

Dana Anhalt

Dana Anhalt

A 37-year-old from New York state has been in agony since childhood, but her condition eluded doctor’s for decades.

Now, specialists have finally put their finger on what caused Dana full body pain, part paralysis and chronic inflammation, despite previously telling her all they could do was give her morphine for comfort.

On her go fund me page, her family explained that finally, in 2016, their daughter was given the diagnosis they’d all been waiting for.

“She was diagnosed with Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID), Chronic Lyme Disease, and multiple co-infections, severer Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome…but it turns out that wasn’t the whole story.”

Later that year, Dana became allergic to almost everything in her environment, including food and medication. “Every system of her body rapidly broke down and her symptom list stretched over 4 pages.”

“We discovered she’s been living in a covert black mould infestation for 35 years and happens to be one of the unfortunate few with some dreaded genetic defects (HLA “multi-susceptible,” MTHFR, among numerous others) that make it impossible for her body to recognize or detox mold, Lyme, many medications, and the hundreds of thousands of artificial chemicals in our environment/products.”

In short, her immune system is trying to fight a lifetime worth of toxic build up, but as her system is overloaded, the inflammatory response is simply multiplied, causing her unbearable suffering.

For any hope of saving Dana, her family have been ordered to leave her home with no possessions, restock it with 100% non-toxic, natural furniture and products, and start again.

They have also had to get this new safe haven tested for black mould, which has come back positive even though it’s new.

Her family are now appealing to the general public, as their medical bills are mounting and the cost of getting Dana a new place are huge.

“Through all of this pain, frustration and loss, Dana has never played the victim. She’s been a source of selfless light, compassion, creativity and wicked sharp wit,” they write.

While the money will help with Dana’s general situation, it’s also to try and get her an IV detoxification program that will hopefully give her body a restart.

“It’s a tremendous expense, and unfortunately cannot be covered by ANY insurance plan.

“She is dying…excruciatingly painfully, No one should have to suffer the way Dana has. Please help my beautiful daughter come back to life!”

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