I’m so happy this week.
I cracked a big goal and bought a size 10. Also, after a miserable result on the scales last week, this week I lost a whopping 2.5kg.
oy body was stuffed at the end of last week so I chose to focus on just the stretch and run routine.
When I do a lot of exercises my muscles become heavy as hell. So this week I gave myself a light schedule and my body reacted beautifully, rewarding me with my weight-loss.
I’m into the business end of the journey and there’s now a fine line between losing weight and firming up.
ouscle weighs more than fat which means each and every time I exercise and there’s some real muscle development going on, I put on weight.
The upside is, while I’m building muscle, I’m also burning off the fat, helping me to look toned and firm.
We all need to do the necessary exercises to ensure we don’t look like a baggy sack. It’s one thing to say I have lost 30kg and to look great in a dress, but it’s another thing to look great in your undies.
I’m struggling to get the balance right because I want to lose the 30kg but I don’t want to get there looking “baggy”.
Food-wise, I’m maintaining the routine that Scotty started me off with in the beginning, which means eating every three hours, plus something before bed. I’m also drinking two litres of water a day.
oy other great achievement this week was hitting the 20kg mark – 20.3 kg to be precise – which is the weight I’ve lost since I started my journey. I was so pleased about this, because I never thought I was going to reach that benchmark at the rate I was going. Now I have just 9.7kg to go.
The other golden moment happened while I was shopping.
Like most women, I love to shop, but absolutely loathe it when I’m overweight. Nothing looks right or good, or both, which normally means nothing gets bought.
This time I spotted a dress with vibrant colours and an unusual cut. It looked good on and when I went to pay for it, I discovered it was a size 10. I behaved like nothing was out of the norm but inside I was jumping around like it was New Year’s Eve.
Just standing in a 10 that looked good made me want to frame it for prosperity and when I finally wore the dress, the reactions were flattering.
The rewards are coming and it feels great. Scotty’s probably right when he says I won’t look right at 70kg, but all the same, I want to get there to see that for myself and be able to say, “Scotty, you’re right.”
**A note from Scott Cottier
**How does she do it? of all the people I have trained, April is the most frustrating and complex individual I have ever dealt with. April losing weight by doing nothing proves once again my theories don’t always work.
With eight weeks to go, there are going to be some hard decisions to be made.
As April said, water is an important part of fat burning. Since our bodies are made up of 80% water, we must ensure it’s topped up continuously. Water tends to bring the muscles out and will transport the fat for energy to the parts that need it. Through constant exercise and hydration, your body will feel great and start looking good as well. Add in good nutrition and you’re onto a winner.
When you’re exercising regularly you should consume three litres of water per day. Make sure you have a water bottle handy, since regular sips will ensure your body is being topped up, which will keep you feeling great with plenty of energy.