Break out the bubbles, my weight is now in the 70s, 78.3kg to be exact, and I feel wonderful. After weighing in at 80.3kg last week and losing a further 2kg this week, I’ve broken a barrier that was last crossed in 2006.
I was totally committed to doing everything to keep the weight-loss going after last week’s 2.5kg drop by following the same routine this week.
I ran and did Bikram yoga every second day, as well as the usual training session with Scotty. Bikram has been amazing at stretching me out, while Scotty’s circuits are great cardio.
Like many, I’m finding his sessions addictive. Every time you go in for a circuit, you have no idea what you’ll get – except totally wrecked, of course! I’ve never done the same circuit twice and it’s hard. But all of us who do it clearly love it, because, regardless of the pain, we find the energy to be back there the next day.
It’s also been nice seeing people from the April Loses It Facebook page at the sessions. Tui Gillies is going great guns and at the latest weigh-in she had dropped 2kg.
Angela Beer, who is also a constant support on the website, is pushing hard. And then there’s Mary, Hannah and Nick – the stalwarts who have been there since the start.
It’s never easy getting up at 5.30am to go to training and it’s great to see them there.
I feel much healthier and definitely fitter at 20kg lighter. But inside I feel the same. At 100kg I may have had body- image issues, but they didn’t last long after I finished getting dressed in front of the mirror each day.
Perhaps it was denial, as I would get dressed and get out as quickly as possible. But I didn’t hate myself. This consideration was prompted by someone saying how I must feel so much better about myself now that I’m skinnier.
But I haven’t noticed any great changes in myself – I’m still friendly and cheeky. What I have noticed are the reactions to the slimmer me.
I’ve had more stares and offers of help. However, while it’s lovely meeting new people, the ones I love most are the ones who loved me when I was overweight. The world might be a fickle place at times, but I’m not.
For now I still have to lose 8.3kg and that’s what I’m focused. I want to cross this finish line and I want to do it with honours. My aim is to hit 75kg by my birthday – Halloween. It’s daunting, but not impossible.
A note from Scott Cottier
Welcome to the 70s, April! It’s been another good week of weight-loss, which brings us closer to that illustrious goal. only hard work, commitment and discipline will see you reach what most thought you could never achieve.
It’s encouraging to see that lots of readers are reaping the rewards, just as April has. It’s surprising how fast change can happen, but it’s this type of action that has been missing from many people’s lives for a long time.
The tip of the week is to do with priorities. With summer around the corner, we need to make fitness a must-do in our day. Whether it’s in the morning or at night, any type of exercise over 30 minutes at a constant rate is very beneficial.
If you can mix it up each day for five days a week then you’re well on your way to achieving summer fitness. Exercise and healthy eating should be your top priorities every day. Let’s get training!