What is it? Maori have used the leaves and bark of the manuka tree to treat a variety of ailments for generations, since they realised it has antiseptic and antifungal properties. An infusion of the bark was used to treat scalds and burns, while vapour from the leaves boiled in water was a remedy for respiratory ailments like colds.
oanuka (proper name Leptospermum scoparium) became known as tea tree because Captain James Cook used the leaves to make tea. The most potent type of manuka oil comes from trees grown on the East Cape.
Why is it good for us? oanuka oil contains compounds that help control bacteria. It is often used to treat:
Painful or stiff muscles, joints and limbs.
Warts, cold sores and mouth ulcers.
Yeast and fungus infections.
Head lice.
Diluted manuka oil (a couple of drops in a glass of warm water) is used as a gargle to help throat and mouth infections, while soaps made with manuka oil help kill the bacteria that causes body odour. It can also be used as an insect repellant.