Home Health Body & Fitness

Tips for maintaining clean and healthy living

It's time for a clean out of those overused items.

When was the last time you replaced your chopping board? How long have you had your toothbrush for? Everyday items in your home might look clean but they can be harbouring potentially harmful bacteria if they are used for too long.


**Wooden spoons

**Wood is more porous than metal or plastic, so it is more prone to carrying bacteria. The bacteria you’re most likely to find in a kitchen is E coli, which can lead to severe food poisoning. Putting wooden spoons in the dishwasher can cause the wood to split, and bacteria can get into cracks. Soak them in disinfectant for half an hour and wash with boiling soapy water. Replace wooden spoons at least every five years or sooner if the wood is cracked.


**The average toothbrush contains about 10 million germs, including nasty ones such as staphylococci. The more bent and broken the bristles are, the more likely it is that they’re providing a haven for bacteria. Toothbrushes should be replaced every three months.


**Plastic chopping boards

**A chopping board can be home to 50 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. That’s because although people realise loo seats need regular cleaning they aren’t as scrupulous when it comes to chopping boards. The way of cleaning one is to spray it with disinfectant, scrub and then pour boiling water over it. Use separate chopping boards for raw meat and poultry as for vegetables and fruit, so you reduce the risk of transferring bacteria such as E coli from meat to salads. Chopping boards should be replaced every three years.

Cloths and sponges

Because they are warm and damp, kitchen sponges are ideal breeding grounds for germs. They can contain 200 times more bacteria, including E coli, than a toilet. They can spread germs around your kitchen, so use different cloths for different household jobs, such as wiping benchtops or washing dishes. Cloths can be washed in the dishwasher at high temperatures – at least 90°C – while sponges should be squeezed out, dipped in disinfectant and rinsed in very, very hot water. Putting a wet sponge in the microwave for two minutes on full can kill nearly all bacteria. Cloths and sponges should be replaced every month.



Pillows and duvets can harbour dust mite waste and skin debris. Pillows should be washed every few months in hot water and duvets should be washed every six months. Replace pillows every two years and duvets every five.

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