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Tips for healthy skin

It is far too easy to overlook the skin, but here are a few pointers to get back that natural glow!

  • A sure-fire way to bring back the hydration of your skin is to drink plenty of water.

  • Eating foods such as nuts and seeds that are rich in omega 3 can help you hold onto your youthful complexion.

  • Fruit and vegetables are also good for slowing the ageing process.

  • Exercise and sleep are extremely important. Getting enough of both shows through beautiful skin.

  • Lay off the coffee, sugar, salt and alcohol, and definitely stop smoking! These are all toxins that affect the quality and the appearance of your skin.

  • Smoking blocks a lot of Vitamin C and oxygen from the skin and speeds up the ageing process rapidly.

  • Try to use mild beauty products that are gentle on the skin.

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