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PCOS: health compilation

In light of our facebook fans who suffer from PCOS or Polycystic ovarian syndrome, here is a special compilation of related health articles. Acupuncture

In light of our facebook fans who suffer from PCOS orPolycystic ovarian syndrome, here is a special compilation of related health articles.

  1. Acupuncture could help with PCoS

  2. Women with PCoS are more at risk of thyroid problems

  3. PCoS and hairloss

General weight loss

  1. As well as actual weight gain, many women suffer from bloating.

  2. 10 healthy foods to keep in your cupboards

  3. We need carbohydrates, but many people benefit from cutting out grain-relatedfoods in their diet.

  4. Cutting down on salt, even without eating less, can make a difference in bloating and overall health.

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