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Lonely cancer teen’s heartbreaking appeal for friends

This 19-year-old has appealed to the public after his childhood was 'stolen' by cancer.
Jordan Kosovich

Jordan Kosovich

A teenager who beat cancer as a child has written a heartbreaking online ad for friends, after admitting his battle with the disease left him with no social life.


Jordan Kosovich, 19, beat leukaemia when he was 10, but the toll it took on his body left him the target of bullies.

After missing more than two years of school while he underwent chemo, Jordan found it hard to fit back in when he rejoined his class. Plus, his treatment had left him overweight and bald, and other children gave him a hard time for his appearance.

The Gumtree ad Jordan posted

And now the teen is so desperate to make good friends, he’s taken to Gumtree to appeal to the public.


“It’s the worst thing to have happen to you because the drugs they give you are so strong you lose all your hair, and you get really overweight because one of them makes you eat a lot,” he explains.

“I was too weak to defend myself, being overweight due to the cancer, plus I was a really shy, quiet kid which made me the perfect target.

“High school was 100 times worse. I was physically bullied as well as verbally and got hammered on Facebook – until last year I was scared to even use it.”

“It was hell the whole five years, no one could pay me enough money to get me to go back into those situations, just horrible altogether.


“I went to a different school from Year 11 but it started again once people found out I had no friends. No one ever gave me a chance.”

Jordan now works at a sports centre, but says he has found it hard to convert colleagues into close friends.

“Don’t get me wrong people like me at work and I do have workmates but yeah that is really hard because everyone has their own lives,” he said.

Jordan was inspired by Ray Johnstone, who turned to Gumtree when his fishing buddy died and he needed a new one.


“I want to feel like a normal 19-year-old for once,” Jordan says.

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