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How to get gorgeous arms like Gwyneth Paltrow

No one can deny that Gwyneth Paltrow has fabulous arms. If you want to achieve the same, try working this move into your routine.

No one can deny that Gwyneth Paltrow has fabulous arms. If you want  to achieve the same, try working this move into your routine. The Plank and Row challenges the biceps along the front of the arms as well as using core and upper  body muscles. You will need a weighted object such as a kettle bell. If you don’t have one, try a paint pot.


Try this: Place the weight in front of you on the floor and bring your body into a plank position so that the weight is between your hands. Aim to have your body in a straight line. Often hips lift too high, creating a triangle shape, or dip too low, putting excessive pressure on the lower back. By keeping your head, shoulders, back, hips  and heels in line, you will switch on your core muscles.

Check there is a straight line between your shoulders and wrists and keep your head lifted up in line with the rest of your body. With your right hand, pick up the handle of the weight, bringing your elbow up towards your waist. As you do this, try to avoid twisting through your shoulders or waist. 

Place the weight beneath your chin and repeat, using your left hand to pick it up. Steady, smooth movements and breathing will help you to gain the most benefit.

Complete ten reps on each side. Sit back on your heels with arms outstretched to give your back and wrists a rest for 30 seconds then complete another set.


– Gillian Reeves

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