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Go green!

Saving the environment isn’t just about joining Greenpeace and hurling yourself in front of a Japanese whaling boat. You can make small steps towards preserving our clean, green country every day. Try these tips to be more ecologically sound …

  • Keep a stash of recyclable shopping bags in the boot of your car so you can whip them out for your weekly grocery shop. They’re stronger and more durable than plastic bags – not to mention kinder on the environment.

  • Ditch the chemicals and buy organic beauty products. The gorgeous natural smells of the Dr Hauschka, Trilogy, Living Nature, and Perfect Potion ranges will have you wondering why you slathered your skin in preservatives for so long.

  • Recycle. Do your bit by reusing plastic bags, glass (make some jam!), tins, newspapers and magazines.

  • Clean green. Using ecological products to clean your house and wash your clothes isn’t hippie, it’s hip. Biodegradable cleaners are usually gentle and therefore ideal for those with sensitive skin – although they’re just as effective as other cleaners.

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