Turn back time and trick your body into looking rejuvenated with these anti-ageing foods that you can pick up straight from your local supermarket.
With the warmer months well and truly upon us, don’t hesitate in adding tomatoes to your shopping list. This red fruit contains lycopene – an antioxidant believed to help protect the body against the sun’s damaging rays.
Carotenoids in tomatoes are also said to contribute to your skin looking smooth.
Try slow-roasting your tomatoes in olive oil, then serve them with fresh mozzarella and rocket leaves. Also, by heating them up, you are making it easier to absorb the tomato’s lycopene content.
Both the flesh and oil of an avocado are anti-ageing gold in that they fight harmful free radicals that can cause someone to age or fall ill.
Plus, avocado is a vitamin E-rich fruit, and vitamin E helps to keep skin soft as well as retain water.
For the next barbecue you’re invited to, whip up a quick-and-easy heirloom tomato salad and add a big serving of avocado to the mix.
This super vegetable will not only boost your energy and strengthen your immune system, but broccoli possesses phytonutrients that [reduce inflammation](http://www.foodnetwork.ca/healthy-eating/photos/foods-to-look-younger/#! Broccoli|target=”_blank”|rel=”nofollow”), which, in turn, will give you the appearance of fresher-looking skin.
Ever thought about making a pizza base out of broccoli? It’s deceptively delicious and healthy at the same time.
Like tomatoes, blueberries contain lycopene, but experts say it’s the colour of this berry that gives it an anti-ageing edge.
Fruits and vegetables with lots of colour are loaded with antioxidants that fight the good fight against cell-damaging free radicals. Damage done by these free radicals results in [ageing](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11718765 |target=”_blank”|rel=”nofollow”).
Absorb all the blueberry goodness buy indulging in a stack of spelt crepes, topped with a generous handful of berries.
Foods and drinks to think about cutting back on to look and feel younger
Fast food
Refined sugar
If you’re going to change your diet in any way, contact your GP or dietitian first.