Incontinence is no laughing matter, especially when laughing makes you wet yourself.
Sneezing, coughing and jumping can also lead to urine leakage, which makes life very difficult for many women.
Stress urinary incontinence is very common, and happens when the pelvic muscles supporting the bladder have been damaged or weakened, often because of childbirth, gynaecological surgery, menopause, obesity, oestrogen deficiency or chronic constipation. But the good news is up to 80% of cases of are treatable, with options including:
• Pelvic floor exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles.
• Electrical stimulation to get injured muscles working again.
• Medical devices that block or capture urine.
• Hormone cream that restores the tissue of the vagina and urethra.
• Surgery to support the urethra or bladder.