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5 things that happen to your body when you’re in love

Just one more reason to be a romantic.
Falling in love

Falling in love

We all know falling in love makes us feel good. You feel excited, energised, and like anything in the world is possible.


But now researchers have pointed out that the physical benefits of being in love are just as good as the emotional ones.

According to two separate studies, love can have the following positive physical effects on the human body, including:

  • Reduce stress levels

  • Alleviate pain

  • Cure headaches

  • Lower your risk of heart attack

  • Lower your blood pressure

The studies, from Stanford University in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology and the

State University of New York, shows that being in love is good for keeping our mental and physical wellness in check.


As Stanford points out, a lot of these benefits have to do with the release of oxytocin – what has been previously dubbed ‘the love hormone.’

Other studies found a connection between the presence of one’s spouse or partner, and lowered blood pressure, stress and anxiety relief, plus a reduced risk of cardiac arrest.

You may also like: How two strangers fell in love after a liver transplant.

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