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5 New Zealand made health products

How many of these home-grown remedies have you tried?

We produce some truly amazing natural health products here in Aotearoa using locally sourced ingredients. Have you tried any of these?


After giving birth, a new mum produces milk called colostrum, which is full of all the nutrients a newborn baby needs. Colostrum from cows has become a popular dietary supplement, and New Zealand-produced colostrum is said to be some of the best in the world.

Colostrum contains compounds called proline rich polypeptides (PRPs) that help to support the body’s immune system. Other compounds in colostrum can help to balance blood sugar, increase mental alertness and speed recovery after injury.

Green-lipped mussels

These have anti-inflammatory properties and the supplements are often taken to help with joint mobility and to ease pain caused by conditions such as arthritis. The extract made from the mussels is also taken to treat bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

These mussels, which are specially grown in places like the Marlborough Sounds, are also a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.


Fulvic acid is a component of humus – the rich, crumbly organic substance created when plant or animal matter decays and breaks down. When made into a tonic, it can help us to better absorb nutrients. There are only a handful of fulvic seams around the world and one was discovered in the South Island eight years ago.

As well as helping with absorption of nutrients, fulvic helps to neutralise free radicals, reducing damage to cells and can remove toxins from the body. It can help support the immune system as well as promoting mental alertness and healthy brain function. It also improves oxygenation of the blood, increasing the supply of oxygen to the muscles.

Deer velvet

The name given to the precalcified antlers of the male deer is called deer velvet. Before they harden, the new antlers (which replace the old ones every year) are covered in short, furry hair that looks like velvet. The deer are given pain relief before the velvet is removed and the procedure is supervised by a vet.

Deer velvet has been used for more than 2000 years as a tonic in Asian medicine as it contains nutrients such as essential fatty acids, calcium and collagen. It also has natural anti-inflammatories, including chondroitin and glucosamine, and is used to improve resistance to disease, boost immune system function and ease the symptoms of arthritis.

Manuka products

The manuka tree has many health-giving features. The leaves and bark have antiseptic properties and have been used by Maori to treat conditions from colds to burns for many generations. Manuka oil contains compounds that can help control bacteria and can be used to treat head lice, acne, boils, dandruff, warts, yeast infections, ringworm, cold sores, athlete’s foot and nail fungus. A couple of drops in warm water can be used as a gargle for sore throats and mouth infections.

Manuka honey, produced by bees that pollinate manuka bushes, also has antibacterial components. It can be used as a dressing on wounds and burns. Studies show it is effective in fighting infection and promoting healing.

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