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Spring clean your wardrobe

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as organising your clothes. The best part about clearing out the old? Replacing with the new! So throw open those wardrobe doors and dust off the cobwebs with our foolproof strategy.


Honesty is the best policy so let’s face it, you’re never going to wear those purple flares again are you?

Step 1: **Action stations

**Clear a space in your bedroom for two sections – “in” and “out” – leaving enough room for three piles in each category. Take every item out of your wardrobe, try it on and sort it appropriately. Be ruthless!

Step 2: **The out pile


**Sort the clothes in this pile into one of three groupings:

  • Inappropriate – Add all the winter pieces you won’t need over the next six months. Neatly fold your winter pieces and pack them into boxes to store somewhere dry until next season.

  • out-dated – Ask yourself, “When was the last time I wore this?’ If it was over a year ago, it belongs in this pile.

  • Ill-fitting – Add any uncomfortably tight or gaping-at-the-buttons items to this pile. You can sell some of the pieces in these last two piles to second-hand clothing stores or donate them to charity.

Step 3: The in pile

  • Dry-cleaning – A professional press can breathe life into an old garment. Check for marks to advise your cleaner about.

  • Repairs – Look for loose hems and lost buttons. You can mend these yourself or take them to your local alteration service.

  • Washing – Give your wardrobe a fresh start by freshly laundering absolutely everything else.

Step 4: **The clean out

**Wipe down the inside of your wardrobe and treat yourself to some new coat hangers. They don’t need to be expensive, but hangers in a uniform colour will give visual clarity and a sense of order. Utilise your space by attaching a shoe organiser or hooks to the back of the wardrobe door for your bags and scarves.


**Step 5: A new you

**Your newly sorted wardrobe is now a temple of cleanliness and order. The trick is to keep it that way. Every night from now on, make a conscious effort to make sure your clothes are sorted and kept clean. Eventually, it will be as natural as breathing. Best of all, it will make next season’s big sort-out a breeze!

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