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What your nails say about you



Unusually pale nails Healthy nail beds are pink because there is a rich blood supply underneath. If yours become white-looking or even blue-tinged, this could mean you are suffering from a lack of iron or else poor circulation and your blood is not reaching the ends of your fingers.

White spots Small white flecks on your nails may indicate a lack of zinc in your diet. You need zinc for a variety of bodily functions, including effective digestion. Foods that are rich in zinc include wholegrains, eggs and chicken. White spots can also result from a diet high in alcohol, sugar and fruit.

Brittle nails These may be another clue that you have a zinc deficiency or shortage of iron. They can also indicate a congested liver, resulting from an inadequate diet. Try to eat more vegetables, pulses (peas and beans) and fish.

Ridges Ridges or bands on your nails could indicate a lack of selenium. New Zealand soils are naturally low in selenium so we can end up with a shortage in our diets. Fish and shellfish are a good source. If you take supplements – don’t overdo it.


Did you know? During surgery, some anaesthetists will look at your nails. They’re not admiring your manicure – they’re double checking that you’re getting enough oxygen. If your fingernails appear blue or white, they know there’s a potential problem with oxygen getting through.

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