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We take them for granted, but imagine trying to peel an orange or scratch an irritating itch without your nails. These relics of an age when humans had to work much harder to get food are still vital today so it's worth taking time to look after them and keep them strong and attractive.

The building blocks

Fingernails reveal a lot about our health and nutritional status, providing early warning signs of deficiencies and diseases. If they change shape or colour, or suddenly deteriorate generally, seek medical advice. Ill health aside, there are many pesky problems such as brittleness and peeling that can affect your nails – but luckily there are products designed to remedy them!

Cover all bases

While it’s tempting to give your nails a quick paint, then rush out, time spent applying a base coat and top coat will pay off as it helps prolong the life of your manicure, leaving nails looking shiny and well-cared for.

Not only does a base coat help to preserve top colour, but also protects nails from the unsightly yellow tinge that sometimes occurs with frequent use of nail polish.

I’ve been known to plunge my fingers into a bowl filled with ice cubes in an attempt to speed dry my nails, but now there are less messy ways to do it!

Classic colours

Once it was rare to find nail polish in colours other than pink, purple, red or coral. If that’s still your preferred palette, it’s even more extensive these days.

Walk on the wild side

With modern nail colour, anything goes. If you’re the daring kind and want to make a real impact there’s sure to be an ideal shade for you.

Glitz and glamour

Many modern ranges include glittery or pearlescent notes for a really elegant manicure that will complement your special occasion wardrobe.

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