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Top 5 beauty tricks

Remember your mum’s Vaseline on the eyebrows trick that tamed stray hairs and gave them shine? There are plenty more surprising beauty ideas that can save you money and leave you looking your best.


**Make your manicure last

**Soak nails in lemon juice and warm water for five minutes to soften cuticles. The acid will also help to remove oil from the surface of the nail, helping your polish slide on easier and last longer. Make sure to add a layer of top-coat.

**Mix and match your make-up

**Bright lip glosses can enhance the rosy glow of your cheeks. Layer on more or less to get the level of blush you’re happy with. You can also use bronzing powder on your eyes and lips – just slick on some gloss and you’re ready to go.


**Reduce a double chin

**Help to lesson jowls by rubbing an anti-cellulite or eye cream with caffeine along the jawline. The caffeine helps to suck the water from the puffy zone. The temporary fix will last for a few hours.

**Make the most of your lippie

**Apply a fine layer of pressed powder between coats of lippie to intensify the colour. It’s also a good trick if your lipstick tends to smear. The powder absorbs oil from the product, leaving you with a matte stain. You’ll need to practise at home to get this look just right.


**Create a civil defence strategy for big events

**Just as we prepare rations for real emergencies, it’s worth taking the time to put a beauty kit together for important social events. Aside from your makeup, pack a small clear bag with bobby pins, double-sided tape, (your dodgy hemline or gaping shirt may thank you), a small comb if it’s windy, hand sanitiser for before the canapés and toothpicks and breath mints for after.

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