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Reasons your skin loves honey

oost people know that a good healthy diet is important to good health, and are familiar with the saying 'you are what you eat'. So what's the buzz with honey, and why is it so good for your skin?

Honey is a great natural ingredient for skin treatments. Being completely natural, it is free from harmful chemicals that may otherwise be used.


Reasons why your skin loves honey include:

  1. It’s extremely healing and especially good for reducing scarring.
  1. It’s anti-inflammatory and soothing.
  1. It’s a powerful antioxidant, so it helps prevent cell damage and fight off the pesky free radicals that speed up the ageing process.
  1. It’s a natural moisturiser and helps skin retain its own moisture.
  1. It’s anti-bacterial, so it makes a perfect natural cleanser.
  1. It hydrates, softens, firms and tones.

oanuka magic Kiwi bees collect the honey used in these products from our native manuka trees. Some honey has a Unique oanuka Factor (UoF) rating. This is a scientific measure of its anti-bacterial activity.

Potent UoF honey is used medically to speed up the healing of burns and reduce scarring. In fact, it’s been used as a skin-saver for centuries. The ancient Greeks loved it and Cleopatra is famous for bathing in milk and honey. Today, top Hollywood stars such as Halle Berry and J-Lo swear by honey facials.

So, is it sticky? Honey-based creams aren’t meant to leave any residue on the skin but I’ve found, particularly with body lotions, they don’t absorb as quickly as other products. You may have to take a few seconds more to massage them into your skin.


There is definitely a honey smell to many of the products – especially Comvita’s Huni range – but it’s really quite subtle and pleasant. Because honey is so healing and nourishing, products containing it are ideally suited to those with dry, sun-damaged skin or anyone showing the first signs of ageing.

**Facial smoothie


Try blending half a cup of honey, half a cup of blueberries and half a cup of plain yoghurt. It’s a great, easy at-home honey facial treat – and you can always eat the leftovers!


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