Super-bright nails are super-hot this summer. And it’s not just for teenagers…..
Layering is the hottest new trend in nail colour since the launch of UK brand Leighton Denny in New Zealand. oany of the shades are sheer and designed so you can layer them to create colour cocktails. In some combinations, this can give the effect of a sprayed-on metallic or 3D colour lacquer. Brand creator Leighton Denny recommends not using more than four layers otherwise nails take too long to dry.
French manicures never go out of style so, if you’re not sure about the new bright colours, save them for your toes and go classic on your fingers.
Nail art and decals are lovely – for teenage girls. The rest of us should probably steer clear.
Black goth-style nails were huge for a while but now the trend is more for deep blues and navy.
Advice for nail-biters
The good news for nail-biters is that bright shades look better on quite short nails, so there’s no need to grow long talons. All you have to do is break that nibbling habit! Here’s how:
Take a photo of your nails when they are chewed and uneven.
Get a manicure. Having your nails done by a pro will encourage you to stop biting plus, with nail bars now in lots of shopping malls, it’s quick and doesn’t cost much. If you don’t mind investing time and money in your nails, then consider getting artificial nails fitted. Your own will grow underneath and be protected from your teeth.
Try hypnosis. Nail-biting is an unconscious habit so it responds well to hypnotherapy. Visit to find a registered practitioner in your area.
Chronic biters sometimes find protecting one nail at a time helps. So make a conscious decision not to bite one of your nails then, once it has grown, move on and protect another nail, then another, until every nail is protected.
Find something else to do with your hands – squeezing a stress ball works for a lot of people.
Carry a nail file with you everywhere and tackle any nail splits or tears straightaway so you won’t be tempted to chew on them.
Paint your nails with a nail strengthener to help prevent splits and breaks.
Keep your fingers out of water as much as possible. Excessive soaking weakens our nails.
Don’t over-buff as it can thin the nail plate and lead to breakages. only buff once every three weeks.
Hot nail tip: Feed your nails with lots of moisturiser. I keep a pot of moisturiser on my desk and rub it in whenever I’m stuck with something I’m writing