Megan May (31) runs Auckland’s Little Bird Unbakery.
My beauty philosophy is… A lot of the products I use are made from raw, organic ingredients that are good enough to eat. The most important part of my beauty philosophy is drinking green juices or smoothies in the morning and lots of coconut water, along with eating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables.
The skincare products I can’t live without are… Antipodes Joyous Protein-Rich Night Replenish Serum. It has ingredients such as goji berries, kiwi seed and hibiscus flower, leaving your skin feeling so rejuvenated. Raw coconut oil works as a make-up remover, a moisturiser for face and body, and as a pre-wash hair treatment. And the Sans Body Care range – I used to skimp on body care products, but after spending my teenage years sunning myself, I did some serious damage. Having several malignant melanomas by my early twenties was a wake-up call: no more crisping in the sun and a serious need to look after my skin.

My haircare secret is… Brandon, my wonderful hairdresser at Servilles in Newmarket, and Kevin Murphy’s Fresh Hair Dry Shampoo – my go-to after a long day working in the kitchen with a hat on. The must-have products in my make-up bag are… Jane Iredale Purelash mascara, a natural product that makes your lashes long and luscious. Inika Mineral Make-Up, a 100% natural range that gives great coverage in a few easy brush strokes. Coola Organic Sunscreen –
I believe if there’s any product you should ensure is natural and organic, it’s sunscreen. And Suvana Paw Paw & Honey balm for lips.
My favourite beauty treat is… A facial at Auckland’s Lucy And The Powder Room. My skin is massaged into a luminous glow with them every time.
The best thing my mother taught me about beauty was…To smile. It’s hard not to feel inner beauty when you have a smile on your face.