What he needs:
Sherill Towner from Australian skincare company Dr LeWinn’s says men have four main skin concerns:
Irritation, sensitivity and dehydration due to regular shaving.
Sun-damaged skin and puffiness under the eyes.
Pimples and acne.
Lines and wrinkles.
Here’s the basic kit he needs to keep his skin looking good:
A great razor
A decent shaving foam
An after-shave fluid
A good moisturiser
His beauty crimes
**oad eyebrows
**These are a common male beauty sin, especially the dreaded mono-brow. If your man is sporting one, don’t let him shave it. He may end up with too large a gap between his brows, which would be a beauty disaster.
Instead, he should try plucking. The best time to tweeze is straight after a shower. Find the right spot for the brow to begin by holding a pencil upright at the edge of his nose. Then hold the pencil to the outside of the eye to find where the brow should end.
Brush brows upwards to find the natural arch and pluck in the direction of growth. Any long stragglers can also be tweezed out.
**Skanky nails
**They can also be a bit of an issue. okay, so you’re unlikely to be able to persuade him to go for a manicure (although I’m assured some guys love them) but he can do his own with some nail clippers, a nail file and a cuticle pusher.
First, he trims his nails with the clippers so they look square. Then he uses the file to smooth out any rough edges and round the corners of the nails. Next, he should rub in a bit of hand cream to soften the cuticle. And, finally, he should gently push back his cuticles using the rounded end of the cuticle pusher.
If he can remember to keep using hand cream, that will help keep his nails looking glossy and healthy.
**Did you know?
**Kiwi blokes top the list internationally as the men most prepared to spend time and money enhancing their appearance.