Margaret Mackenzie has been working as a professional makeup artist for five years, with a background from both the Napolean Perdis academy and MAC makeup. She has an impressive portfolio including fashion photo shoots, television commercials, and video clips. Here she takes time out from her busy schedule to answer some of our most common questions about makeup.
What are some common mistakes women make when purchasing makeup?
Buying off the shelf: it is especially important to avoid this when purchasing foundation. Playing guess work on your base colour is not going to give you the correct look because you can’t try the product in the supermarket. You’re much better off spending time and an extra $10-$20 going to a specialty makeup store where a trained consultant is able to match your foundation according to your skin colour and type. Although supermarket brands are cheaper, the cost of replacing an unflattering foundation with another eventually becomes more costly than investing in the right base first time round.
Not knowing your skin type is another common mistake. Some women mistake sensitive or dry skin for oily, and vice versa. The result is choosing a foundation which is too creamy, resulting in clogged pores. Similarly a foundation designed for oily skin may not provide enough moisture.
Margaret’s expert advice:
If you do resort to purchasing supermarket brands, it’s always best to aim for a shade slightly lighter than your skin colour rather than darker. This is because it’s relatively easy to introduce more colour into your face with a bronzer. If you have a foundation that is too dark, bin it. Trying to lighten your face with powder will result in grey looking skin, and the orange tint of a dark foundation should be avoided at all costs.
Around this time of the year, it’s a good idea to head to your beautician and determine your skin type. They will also be able to advise you on how to prepare your skin for the winter months. Knowing your skin type goes a long way to helping you decide on the right foundation.