If you’ve seen Sex and the City, you’ll know Sarah Jessica Parker’s look is all about lots of black liquid eyeliner, lush lashes, a bit of sparkle and a glowing complexion. It’s a look she likes so much she’s been wearing it on the red carpet, too.
So can you pull it off? Well Sarah Jessica is 43, so age isn’t a barrier. The key is finding a liquid liner that works for you and perfecting your application in the privacy of your own home. The rest of the look is subtle – SJP goes for a peachy pink glow on the cheeks and lips.
How to apply liquid eyeliner:
- Apply your eyeshadow as a base before using liquid eyeliner.
- There’s a fine line between bold eyes and scary panda, so apply your liquid liner with a light hand.
- Pull your lid taut from the eyebrow and then apply the liner from the inner eye outward, as close to the lashes as possible.
- If you struggle to draw on a solid line, simply dot the eyeliner between the lashes or apply with short strokes.
- Feeling shaky? Prop up your elbow on something solid first.
- Have cotton buds on hand in case you need to do a clean up.
- Lining just the top lid is a good option for smaller eyes