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Bridal make-up tips from royal wedding artists

In the wake of the royal wedding, an army of experts have created countless recipes for the perfect bridal look. Here our very own crack team of hair and make-up specialists, who have styled previous royal brides, share their best beauty tips.

Make-up artist Barbara Daly Barbara is one of the most respected make-up artists in the UK. She has had her own highly successful product range and has made up dozens of brides.


But she is most famous for doing Lady Diana Spencer’s make-up on her wedding day on July 29, 1981.

She says:

  • Do apply face powder (translucent) as people will use flash photography and you don’t want to look shiny. Any nice quality loose face powder will work. Just a little applied lightly with a soft fat brush will reduce shine. The flash will hit the nose, cheeks and forehead – the areas that need a light powder. Also keep a bit back for the groom – he doesn’t want to look like he’s sweating. Some people think they will look washed-out if they are wearing white or cream, but white is a fantastic reflector.

  • Unless you have light colouring, blusher is essential. I’d always rather add colour with blusher, than choose the wrong base that’s too dark or orangey, and have a terracotta face. You want to look glowing, luminous and perfect.

  • Don’t get a spray tan. A lot of people go into a tanning salon before they get married, but if you’re the only person with a suntan in a family portrait you will stick out. Skin tone is the biggest single thing that brides get wrong. You want to look part of the group; it’s not a beach picture. The only exception would be if it’s a summer wedding and everyone’s got a tan, so you have to take the season into account.

  • Best tip: Do your make-up in the best possible light, which means by a window, or if there’s no natural light, take the shade off a lamp and use the bare bulb. The light will be harsh, but if it looks good in that light it’ll look good anywhere.

Makeup that never dates

on your wedding day, remember that your make-up, hairstyle and choice of dress will date you. But looking at Princess Diana’s wedding pictures the only thing that hasn’t dated is the make-up, which Barbara designed almost 30 years ago. The dewy complexion and neutral shades on the eyes and lips could still work for a bride this summer. ‘It’s not a day to venture into dramatic eye make-up,’ advises Barbara.


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