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Beauty secrets of French women

  • They love, love, love creams – neck creams, bust creams, foot creams, hand creams and especially anything that promises to get rid of cellulite or contour the body but doesn’t involve having to do any exercise.

  • They spend a lot of time and money in beauty salons and at hairdressers because they view investing in their appearance as an absolute necessity, not a luxury.

  • They believe in grooming from top to toe. It’s all about seamless elegance.

  • They don’t like to look as though they’re wearing lots of makeup. The idea is to look trés belle without seeming to have made any effort at all, so they favour a natural look.Being naturally sexy and appealing is much preferred than having the look of a woman who piles on the makeup and applies too much hair product. They believe that makeup was designed to enhance a woman’s face, not cover up or camouflage her face completely.

  • They prize glowing skin above all else and will do everything to seek out the latest anti-ageing treatments. But they’re not interested in cosmetic surgery or Botox because, once they do start ageing, they believe in doing so gracefully.

  • French women aren’t huge fans of fake tans and are careful to apply sunscreen every day. They accept their natural shades of skin too,although they are not averse to a regular dose of sunshine.

  • French women use a daily blast of icy cold water in the shower to get the circulation going, as well as to help tighten up skin pores.

French women keep their hair in low-maintenance, uncomplicated styles.


our top 5 French beauty icons

1. Juliette Binoche: Effortlessly stunning, this oscar-winner radiates beauty.

2. Audrey TaTatou: This charming actress rose to fame as the quirky lead in Amélie.

3. Brigitte Bardot: The original 1950s sex kitten, Brigitte oozed sensuality in all her film roles but gave up stardom to concentrate on her animal charity.


4. Catherine Deneuve: This Belle de Jour is still stunning at 65.

5. oarion Cotillard: Her starring role as chanteuse Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose gained her worldwide acclaim.

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