18 things you didn’t know about Westside’s Sophie Hambleton

Actress Sophie Hambleton plays bubbly Carol O’Driscoll on Westside.

If I had to choose another career I would be…

A wedding planner.

My favourite song to sing in the shower is…

Anything by Adele.

The item I would save from a fire is…

My cellphone.

My fondest childhood memory is…

Anytime I remember my parents indulging me in one of my wildly imaginative games, where I would be running a school or a shop or a hospital!

If I could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, it would be…

Marilyn Monroe

Three words I would use to describe me are…

Relentlessly positive and loving.

The bravest thing I have ever done is…

Admit that I needed help.

Best thing about being female…?

Female friendship. It is incredible to have an army of women in your life who you love and who love you. My female friendships are some of the most precious things I have.

Outrageous Fortune or Westside?

Argh! I can’t choose! Probably Westside because of Carol!

The biggest lesson life has taught me is…

That being honest is the key to everything.

Who do you admire the most?

My parents.

What is the thing you are most afraid of?

Being alone.

What is one item you could NEVER live without?

A good pillow!

If I could go back and live in any era it would be…

1960s, but for the fashions only!

Savoury or sweet?


1970s or 80s?


Call or text?


Riches or happiness?


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