The wait is almost over! After a year of pandemic-related delays, The Block NZ is returning with some of the most architecturally impressive houses the Three reality show has ever seen. Meet the four diverse teams who will soon do reno battle in Auckland’s upmarket Point Chevalier..

Coastie Bros Dylan & Keegan
The chalk-and-cheese brothers from Greymouth describe themselves as “Beauty and the Beast” – and they certainly couldn’t be more different. While banker Dylan Crawford, 30, is an Auckland-based urbanite with a love of crisp, white interiors, his tradie sibling Keegan, 25, still lives with their parents on the West Coast and prefers to rough it in a cabin or shed.
Asked why they entered together, self-confessed people-pleaser and socialite Dylan shrugs, “Why not give it a go to build our relationship? We’ve never spent much time together as adults, so this is a bit of a test for us.”
And despite admitting to being “argumentative and stubborn as an ox”, Keegan insists they won’t fight much because the brothers are “planning on sticking to our own lanes… but I guess we’ll find out if that works”!
Dylan, who has a Bachelor of Architectural Studies, lists his organisational skills and eye for detail as his strengths, but he admits overthinking things could be his downfall. Meanwhile, Keegan says his building experience will be a real bonus, although he adds that he needs his sleep – “something I won’t be getting much of”!

Fun mums Janah & Rach
These go-getting mothers from Papamoa in the Bay of Plenty first met when real estate agent Rach Martin was hired to sell interior designer Janah Kingi’s house five years ago. They quickly bonded over both having builders for husbands and their love of luxury homes – now they’re ready to outshine the men in their lives!
Asked about their strengths, Janah, 42, tells Woman’s Day, “Our experience – we know how project management works in the building world and also about the design aspects. I’ve had the chance to do up a few properties and, being in real estate, I know what works. I’m up to speed with what’s on trend and what sells well. Also, I’m pretty stubborn.”
Levin-born Rach, 39, who is of Ngāti Raukawa descent, admits “being away from my family will be difficult”, but insists she and Rach won’t butt heads.
“As friends, we seem to have avoided major disagreements as we have so much in common. I’m hoping this will carry on in The Block. There’ll be tense moments as we’ll be wrung out and exhausted, but
I’d like to think our maturity and friendship will help get us through.

Rugby besties Tim & Arthur
They met while playing rugby at the age of 10 and they’ve been best mates ever since – now 26-year-olds Tim Cotton and Arthur Gillies are flatting together in central Auckland too.
“Tim needed a partner for The Block because his girlfriend said no,” laughs accounts manager and musician Arthur. “I thought I’d entertain him during the audition process, but never thought we’d actually get on the show. It looks like we’re in quite deep now!”
Now a videographer and teacher aide, Tim was a builder’s apprentice for two years and says his experience is the duo’s greatest asset. As for his biggest weakness? He confesses, “I’m a bit messy. I leave a trail of destruction behind me. I have real trouble with separating my tasks, so I often try to get too many jobs done at once, but none properly!”
Laughing, Arthur – who has never watched The Block – adds, “He has an uncanny ability to lose things almost immediately. The other night, I handed him a screwdriver when we were fixing off the waterproofing and within 20 seconds, we had to turn the room upside down … and we never found the screwdriver!”

Married lovebirds Meg & Dan
Cristchurch construction company owners Meg and Dan Lean met five years ago through mutual friends, fell madly in love and have now been married for two years, with four children between them. “We were both at a stage in our lives where meeting a special person was well off the table, but love won on the day,” grins Meg.
The next step in the Rangiora residents’ romance? Entering The Block, of course! The 38-year-old continues, “I am a massive Block-head and have always wanted to see how I’d go on the show. It’s the ultimate ‘put your money where your mouth is’ and a very unique opportunity to experience true surprises.”
Asked what their biggest strength is, Dan, 46, replies, “The fact that Meg and I are married and work together, so we’re already in sync. I love the fact that I get to do this with my best friend and the love of my life.”
Is there anything that could cause tension between the two? “Just how bossy she is,” Dan laughs, while Meg adds, “I have no concept of realistic timeframes and always want to push for more, but Dan wants to achieve practical goals within set times. It makes for heated debates!”