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Real Housewives of Sydney attack: “Kiwi Housewives are stuck up!”

Say what?! The lippy Sydneysiders dare to badmouth our ladies
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On a whirlwind publicity trip to New Zealand, three of the stars of The Real Housewives of Sydney are glammed up to the gills and posing like prima donnas on Auckland’s waterfront.

“I look like a short Oompa Loompa next to these big units,” says straight-talking series matriarch Victoria Rees, pointing at her taller co-stars, “but I feel really at home here. Auckland’s got the same easy-going vibe as Sydney.”

Our Kiwi faves (from left): Anne Batley Burton, Michelle Blanchard, Julia, Louise, Gilda and Angela.

“They’re both glamorous harbour cities,” agrees self-confessed trophy wife Krissy Marsh, “but do you know what would make Auckland better? If Richie McCaw showed his face. He’s the hottest bit of eye candy I’ve ever seen!”

Alas, the best we can do is locate a copy of Woman’s Day featuring the All Black legend’s wedding, which Krissy promptly drools over, leaving Nicole O’Neil, a former Miss Australia, to rave about how she’s already planning a return trip to the City of Sails for a girly weekend with one of her best mates, ex-Miss NZ Rachel Cooper (née Huljich), who she befriended at the Miss World pageant in 2002.

The day before our shoot, the Housewives met their Kiwi counterparts, the stars of The Real Housewives of Auckland, who dished out some advice ahead of the debut of the Sydney series.

“They’ve already been through this journey, so it was fabulous to get their insight,” tells Krissy, 45. “Gilda [Kirkpatrick] was my favourite, but Angela [Stone] was very friendly and told us to be careful of social media.”

Nicole, 37, adds, “Louise [Wallace] was very down-to-earth and gave me good advice, but I was disappointed when I met some of the other girls – they were a bit arrogant and stuck-up. Just don’t ask me to name names.”

However, Victoria, 52, has no such hesitation. “Angela annoyed the hell out of me on the show – if I had a gun, I’d shoot her!” she cackles. “And Julia [Sloane] was pretty vanilla. They’re going to hate me now, aren’t they? Oh, well.”

The Sydney Housewives (above, from left): Nicole, Lisa Oldfield, AthenaX, Melissa Tkautz, Krissy, Matty Samaei and Victoria.

So how does their series differ from the Kiwi one? Smiling wickedly, Victoria adds, “Sydney is like Auckland on steroids times 100! It gets a lot more intense a lot faster.” Indeed, in the first episode, a nasty catfight ended with Victoria throwing eccentric artist AthenaX Levendi’s cape into Sydney Harbour. Remorseless, Victoria says, “She’s an idiot. She told me I was fat. No regrets.”

Nicole nods her approval, explaining that AthenaX attacked her for something she did in a supposed past life. “She told me that we were once both men, and that I stole her wife and her child. As if we don’t have enough problems in today’s world!”

Nicole points out she’s the youngest of the Housewives, adding, “And I’m the only girl who’s had no work done! I’m not against other people doing it if it makes them feel better, but it’s something I’m trying to avoid because once you start, you can’t stop. Ask me again in five years!”

Krissy admits to having had a boob job, while Victoria confesses, “I’ve had my own blood injected back into my face and had my fat frozen, and I like a bit of Botox and some laser as well. There’s lots to do. I’ll try anything once.”

Critics across the ditch have accused the Housewives of being spoilt, but Nicole isn’t fazed. “I have a fabulous life, with healthy children and a husband who adores me,” she says. “All us girls get to travel and have beautiful things around us. If that makes us spoilt, we’ll take it!”

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Victoria Rees, Nicole O’Neil, Krissy Marsh

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