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Married at First Sight NZ: Haydn Daniels quits social media

It'll be his last post for a while...
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Married at First Sight NZ star Haydn Daniels has posted to Instagram saying he’s quitting social media.

“This will be my last social media post for a while,” the post read.

“The whole MAFS experience has been a nightmare for not only myself but many of the cast. I made the choice to go on the show with an open heart and the best of intentions and feel I have been right royally screwed over. I can accept that.”

Haydn left the show early alongside his wife, Bel Clarke, due to arguments that broke out at a dinner party between himself and the other couples. The pair did not stay together.


Haydn told his following he believes himself and the cast members were treated as “disposable commodities” by Media Works and Warner Bros.

“They claim our duty of care is their number 1 priority which is a load of crap,” Haydn wrote.

“Unless your name is Angel and Brett they don’t care (Thanks for blanking me at the VMA’s by the way guys).”


This Instagram post follows shortly after a photo of a legal bill for more than $3,200, after he and his mother sought legal advice on getting his marriage annulled.

In the post, Haydn explains that he was only paid $60 a day on the show and that he lost thousands of dollars.

“A lot of people say to me “oh at least you got paid for the show.” To set the record straight. I lost thousands of dollars doing this show. It was my choice. I own it and I don’t regret it in search of finding the one. I was given a $60 a day allowance while filming,” he wrote.

“I took time off work and lost thousands. Yesterday I received this legal bill for annulment advice. I even got charged for them taking a call from Warner Brothers.”


Haydn ended the post saying that there was no word from Media Works after the season finished.

“Oh and for the record myself or any of the cast have not received one word of thanks from Media Works for being on the show. No wrap party, no launch party not even a card in the mail. Bring on that divorce,” he said.

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