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Dom and Ksenija’s instant attraction

Dominic Bowden tells why he’s so hyped up!
Dom and Ksenija

Just days away from the launch of his hot new show The Hype on E!, our own A-list insider Dominic Bowden talked us through his excitement about the big news. Here’s what he had to say:


Yes, in case you haven’t heard the news, I’m back in Los Angeles to present E!’s new entertainment series The Hype, which is designed especially for Kiwi and Aussie audiences.

But I won’t be doing it alone. I’m joined on the show by my new best friend, Australian model Ksenija Lukich, 25, who’ll be darting around the world with me to bring you the juiciest gossip and biggest celebs.

Dom and Ksenija have teamed up for The Hype.

Counting down to The Hype’s premiere at 5.30pm on October 17, I chatted to my co-host about her crush on Hugh Jackman, working with yours truly and why it is that celebrities can’t get enough of New Zealand …


Dom: I am so excited about getting this show under way. It’s only starting to feel real as we get closer to the big debut. How are you feeling?

Ksenija: It’s all really surreal. It’s only been a year since I got my job at E! in Australia – the press release announcing our show came out on my one-year E! anniversary. It’s so exciting, especially to be able to work with you and get a New Zealand influence.

Dom: Apart from the fact The Hype is about to kick off, what has been the biggest “OMG, I love my job” moment for you?

Ksenija: I say that every day! I feel very lucky every time I get to interview another celebrity. I loved talking to Drew Barrymore and Toni Collette recently. And for The Hype, I’ve had heaps of pinch-me moments, from flying to New York for Fashion Week, to chatting to Hugh Jackman.


Dom: He was always the dream interview for you, right?

Ksenija: Yes! He’s definitely one of the people who I really admire. He’s a brilliant actor and an incredible man. He lived up to my expectations. It’s going to make our big first episode very special. So who’s your dream interview then?

Dom: I love the ones who make me a bit nervous, the old-school boys, like Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson and Christopher Walken. But it’s not just the interview – it’s what they’re like off camera and how they talk to the crew that teaches you the most about these people. The exciting thing for me is that we are bringing these celebrities to our people, the Kiwis and Aussies, and as soon as I mention New Zealand, their faces always light up!

Ksenija: People do love New Zealanders – and Australians too! For the record, I’m a fan of Kiwis as well. I’ve been filming in LA, New York, Sydney and Melbourne, but I’m also doing stuff in New Zealand later this year – and I can’t wait. We are going truly global.


Dom: The first time we met was on a Woman’s Day photo shoot, so I have to ask – and please be kind – what was your initial impression of me?

Ksenija: I went, “Wow! He’s tall. How fabulous!” Being a tall girl, you need to have a co-host who is just as tall, so that was very nice – and what a lovely guy!

Dom: Since then, we’ve become fast friends and we’ve got some great banter. We’re going to have some fun.


Ksenija: There are people who have been on air for years and they don’t have our kind of chemistry. We are really lucky.

Dom: And I’ve also never seen someone who wears clothes better. I hope to learn a thing or two from you – and not look too shabby alongside you.

Ksenija: I’m definitely looking forward to learning off you and working alongside someone who has so much experience.

Dom: Well, isn’t this a regular love-in?! But the biggest thing is that E! is such a worldwide brand and to be the first Kiwi to represent them makes me feel so humbled and privileged. I spend my spare time watching E!, so now for us to have our own show is a real trip. It’s my pinch-me moment. The Hype will be about me using what I’ve learnt from my years in live television and just enjoying myself.


Ksenija: I’ve got a great wingman and I’m so looking forward to it. Bring it on!

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