
Princess Beatrice makes first public appearance with her new boyfriend on a night out with Karlie Kloss

Princess Beatrice and her new boyfriend, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, were spotted in New York!

Princess Beat­rice has made her first pub­lic ap­pear­ance with her new boyfriend, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi.

The Queen’s grand­daugh­ter and the Ital­ian prop­erty de­vel­oper at­tended the Third An­nual Berggruen Prize Gala at the New York Pub­lic Li­brary on Mon­day night.

The pair spent the evening par­ty­ing with Princess Beat­rice‘s close friend Kar­lie Kloss while cel­e­brat­ing Amer­i­can philoso­pher Martha C. Nuss­baum who was awarded with the cov­eted Berggruen Prize for Phi­los­o­phy and Cul­ture.

The cou­ple, who be­gan dat­ing in Sep­tem­ber, were not pho­tographed to­gether on the night but spot­ted look­ing close.

While Edoardo did not at­tend the wed­ding of Beat­rice’s sis­ter Eu­genie in Oc­to­ber, it’s been re­ported that he met her fam­ily at an ex­clu­sive party in No­vem­ber.

It’s be­lieved that this is Beat­rice’s first se­ri­ous re­la­tion­ship fol­low­ing her split from her boyfriend of ten years, Dave Clark, in 2016.

Edoardo, 34, is the step­son of ex-Prime Min­is­ter David Cameron’s late friend, Christo­pher Shale. A multi-mil­lion­aire prop­erty de­vel­oper, he has a year-two-old son from a pre­vi­ous re­la­tion­ship.

Princess Eugenie’s new boyfriend, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. Image: Shutterstock.

“Beat­rice and Edo have the same cir­cle of friends and were in­tro­duced through a mu­tual chum,” a source told The Sun.

“Things are mov­ing very quickly and it would­n’t sur­prise any­one if they got en­gaged within a short pe­riod of time.

They could even be ty­ing the knot in 2019 — it’s al­ready been dis­cussed by her friends,” the source added.

Via our sister site Grazia.

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