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Monaco’s royal twins make their first appearance

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene have presented their four-week-old twins to the public for the first time.
rince Albert and Princess Charlene, four-week-old Prince Jacques and his sister Princess Gabriella. Image/Getty

Not even a month old (two days shy) and Monaco’s newest additions to the royal family are making their public debut.


Cradled in the arms of their parents, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, four-week-old Prince Jacques and his sister Princess Gabriella were presented to the principality from the balcony of the royal palace.

More than 3000 excited residents gathered below to get a glimpse of the new-borns, who surprisingly slept soundly throughout the presentation, and a loud cheer rose from the crowd as the prince and princess waved to revellers.

Aside from a series of Christmas studio portraits of the happy family, which were released on the palace’s Facebook page last month, this was the first time the twins have been out in public since their birth on December 10 at Princess Grace Hospital.


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