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Suzy’s medical wake-up call

The ever-upbeat star confesses health issues cast a shadow over her world
Suzy Cato posing for the camera at the Chelsea Sugar Factory in AucklandPhotos: Emily Chalk

Taking inventory of the year that was, beloved children’s entertainer Suzy Cato sums up her 2024 by saying, “Well, it wasn’t my best year.”


For someone as busy as she is – a mum of two who owns a production company and is constantly in demand as a performer – having to press pause on work to focus on some health issues meant her cup wasn’t as half-full as it usually is.

After a nerve-racking series of medical tests, Suzy got the all-clear. But she reckons her biggest takeaway lesson from it has been accepting “the shadow side” of life, as well as the fun and games.

“One thing I’m known for is being perennially sunny and positive,” tells the popular broadcaster. “But it’s accepting that we all have time in the shadows. We’re all battling something – all the challenges that you go through with health or whatever it is. A lot of people are struggling financially and with mental health. Sometimes we just get… tired.”

Suzy accentuates that last word, acknowledging that yes, her New Year’s resolution is to get her energy back and there is one change she’s set to make.


“I’m looking forward to having a level of fitness that I haven’t had since doing Dancing with the Stars [DWTS] in 2018,” she shares. “I don’t know if I’ll get quite to that level, but I’m keen to try.”

Does that mean fans might see “Aunty Suzy” back in her gold-sequinned hotpants at a local dance fitness class?

“Ah, no!” laughs the 56-year-old. “But a girlfriend runs Empire Studios in Auckland’s Grey Lynn, where we did all our training for DWTS. She offers so many different fitness options, including roller skating for women in their forties and fifties who are in their hotpants and rockin’ the town.


“So I’ll build up my fitness first and strap a pillow on… At my age when you fall, you don’t bounce quite as high!

“I am aware I need to be doing strength training and making time to get up early to walk or swim instead of heading to the computer. And I’m taking time to meditate at night instead of going straight to sleep. The more you do it, the more you recharge your battery.”

One aspect Suzy doesn’t have to worry about these days, however, is menopause. She says she went through it “years ago” and it took all of about six months.

“Everybody is going to hate me, but I’ve had a very easy time of it,” she tells. “My mum went through it fairly quickly as well, but my mother-in-law really suffered. Everyone is different. At one point, I was taking a little herbal capsule to help with the hot flushes, but I haven’t had one in years.


“I will admit I’m now going through the Tyrannosaurus Rex stage,” laughs Suzy. She tries her best impersonation with claws out and teeth snarling.

Comin’ at ya! Suzy, with Nelson songwriter and friend Kath Bee, will be performing at the Auckland Folk Festival.

“Every now and then, rage builds up and I have to growl. It’s a shock to me – and it’s a shock to everybody because Mum’s not usually like that! But I think it’s been good for my kids to see and know it’s just a normal stage women go through.”

Her “amazing muso” son Morgan, 17, is about to start Year 13 at college. Meanwhile daughter Riley, 19, has just finished her first year at Auckland University, studying psychology and education. “She took a year off after high school to travel through Europe and had the most amazing time,” says the proud mum. “She was already an incredible kid, but she came back just that bit more confident. Now she’s more sure of herself, with a clearer idea of what she wanted to do.


“I’ve loved watching both the kids grow their wings and fly.”

As Kaikohe-born Suzy poses up a storm at our photoshoot near Auckland’s Chelsea Sugar Factory, a group of women walk past and shout, “Hey Suzy, you go, girl!”

She regularly gets recognised and contacted on social media by those in their thirties who she used to entertain as children with her TV programmes The Early Bird Show, You and Me and Suzy’s World.

This month, though, she’s performing to a slightly younger crowd.


Suzy is curating the Kids’ Programme at the Auckland Folk Festival 2025 in Kumeu. The three-day event brings together talented artists from New Zealand and around the world, with music, dance, craft workshops, food trucks and concerts.

Recording her Suzy and Friends podcast
All set to record her podcast.

“I’ll be on stage on the Sunday and I’m releasing a couple of new songs,” she reveals. “Kids need to hear the music that’s been created for them. And our fabulous industry needs an audience to perform to.”

Spreading her positive messages through song and storytelling is what Suzy loves best. This year, she will continue the Suzy & Friends Radio Show, which broadcasts on 27 stations around the country. She’s also continuing work on her podcast for children on RNZ.


Plus she’s always adding more of her older TV episodes to her YouTube channel. “I believe it’s still as relevant now to Kiwi kids as ever,” she says. “And my clothing style is… Well, anything goes these days, right?”

The Auckland Folk Festival 2025 is on from January 24-27 at the Kumeu Showgrounds. For more information, visit

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