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Sinead O’Connor slams Kim Kardashian’s Rolling Stone cover

The outspoken musician has called for a boycott of the magazine
Sinead O'Connor slams Kim Kardashian's Rolling Stone cover

You can count Sinead O’Connor as one of Kim Kardashian’s haters, as the artist recently took to Facebook to slam Rolling Stone for putting the reality star on their latest cover.


In a tirade posted two days ago alongside an image of Kim on the cover, the singer said music had “officially died”.

“Who knew it would be Rolling Stone that murdered it? Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh can no longer be expected to take all the blame. Bob Dylan must be f*cking horrified,” she wrote.

She finished off the post with the hashtag #BoycottRollingStone, and it seemed many of the commenters agreed with her arguments as the post had over 80,000 likes.


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