Celebrity News

Mark Wahlberg and these 5 other celebrities have the most unusual daily routines

Celebrities sure have extravagant lives...

Mark Wahlberg gets up at 2am in the morn­ing. How do we know this? Be­cause he re­vealed his typ­i­cal daily rou­tine on In­sta­gram while an­swer­ing fan ques­tions.

Start­ing at 2:30am, Mark prays un­til break­fast time at 3:15, works out from 3:40 to 5:15, then has a post-work­out meal. His 6am shower is fol­lowed by golf at 7:30, a snack at 8, cryo­genic cham­ber re­cov­ery at 9:30 (yes, re­ally), an­other snack at 10:30 fol­lowed by fam­ily time, meet­ings and work calls from 11 to 1pm.

And his af­ter­noon is just as packed; more meet­ings and calls at 2pm, he picks up his chil­dren from school at 3, yet an­other snack at 3:30, an­other work­out at 4, fol­lowed by a shower at 5, din­ner and fam­ily time at 5:30 and then fi­nally bed at 7:30pm to get a full 7 hours sleep.

Aside from the mul­ti­ple snack times, we’re not sure we could keep up with this gru­elling sched­ule, and the in­ter­net was just as con­fused we were by this in­sane sched­ule, air­ing their views on Twit­ter.

But Mark Wahlberg is­n’t the only celebrity with an in­ter­est­ing daily rou­tine.

Jennifer Aniston

She wakes up at 4:30, drinks hot wa­ter with lemon, washes her face with soap and med­i­tates, then it’s time for a pro­tein shake, 30 min­utes of spin, 40 min­utes of yoga, then a gym ses­sion.

Kim Kardashian

It’s hard work be­ing a Kar­dashian! Kim is up at 6am for some fam­ily time, then she goes for a run, works on her abs to R&B or clas­si­cal mu­sic, and then into the shower. Her makeup takes 90 min­utes then she’s film­ing the whole day with a few breaks to eat.

Princess Margaret

Princess Mar­garet‘s lav­ish rou­tine is the stuff of leg­end. An ex­cerpt from Ma’am Dar­ling by Craig Brown re­veals that she would wake up at 9am, have break­fast in bed and spend two hours lis­ten­ing to the ra­dio, read­ing news­pa­pers and smok­ing. She would have a bath at 11am, fol­lowed by hair and makeup at 12pm – then vodka at 12:20 and lunch with the Queen at 1pm.

The Queen

Her Majesty is up at 7:30am for a cup of Eng­lish break­fast tea and two bis­cuits, af­ter this she joins Prince Phillip for corn­flakes and lis­tens to the news and BBC Ra­dio 4’s To­day pro­gramme. Then it’s time for pe­rus­ing over gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments and get­ting ready for en­gage­ments.

Ac­tu­ally, to be honest, The Queen’s morn­ing rou­tine is surprisingly relatable (up until the perusing of Government documents of course)

Marilyn Monroe

“I’ve been told that my eat­ing habits are ab­solutely bizarre, but I don’t think so,” she told press in 1954. “Be­fore I take my morn­ing shower, I start warm­ing a cup of milk on the hot plate I keep in my ho­tel room.

“When it’s hot, I break two raw eggs into the milk, whip them up with a fork, and drink them while I’m dress­ing. I sup­ple­ment this with a multi-vi­t­a­min pill, and I doubt if any doc­tor could rec­om­mend a more nour­ish­ing break­fast for a work­ing girl in a hur­ry.”

Via our sister site Grazia.

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