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Gwyneth Paltrow reveals the one food she refuses to eat

The actress claims this food is simply "too smart" to eat
Gwyneth Paltrow

First she blew the world’s minds with the concept of conscious uncoupling, next she had us cringing over her eight-day goat’s milk cleanse…

But it’s her latest wellness admission that really has us scratching our heads…

During a Slack conversation about LA restaurants to frequent, one of Gwyn’s goop staffers suggested she try the barbecued octopus at Cliff’s Edge.

And so it began…

“Octopus are too smart to be food,” she wrote. “They have more neurons in their brains than we do. I had to stop eating them because I was so freaked out by it.”

“They can escape from sea world and shit by unscrewing drains and going out to sea. #tangent.”

Inedible tentacles aside, what else has Gwynnie done to uphold a) her looks b) her health and c) her unintentional hilarity? Read on.

She steams her vagina

Gwynnie has been known to advocate this down-there treatment, even though it’s been slammed by experts for its potential to burn and upset your vagina’s internal bacteria.

“You sit on what is essentially a mini throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. It is an energetic release – not just a steam douche – that balances female hormone levels,” she wrote on her website.

She also inserts crystals into her ladybits as a means of vaginal weightlifting

Alternative-health devotee Gwynnie featured the benefits of jade eggs for your sexual and reproductive systems on her website goop.

She also included a link to the shop on her site to purchase them…

She lets bees sting her face in the name of beauty

Much braver than us, Gwyn is a fan of an ancient anti-inflammatory method called apitherapy: the practice of bees literally stinging your face.

“Generally, I’m open to anything,” she says. “I’ve been stung by bees. People use it to get rid of inflammation and scarring.”

“It’s actually pretty incredible if you research it. But, man, it’s painful.”

She eats “sex dust” for breakfast

Yes, sex dust.

Sex dust is apparently “a lusty edible formula alchemized to ignite and excite your sexy energy in and out of the bedroom,” according to Moon Juice, the supplement brand that sells it.

And this is what Gwynnie adds to your morning smoothie every morning – whether she’s cleansing on goat’s milk or not.

Of her bizarre smoothies concoction, she says to add: “1 teaspoon moon dust of choice: Action Dust to soothe overworked muscles, Beauty Dust for a glowy complexion and healthy hair, Brain Dust to combat mental fogginess, Goodnight Dust when sleep has been evasive, Sex Dust, for, you know, and Spirit Dust to get that extrasensory perception going.”

Err, we’ll pass, thanks…

This story originally appeared on Now To Love

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