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Radio host Georgia’s take on a Kiwi summer

Where does the star think the best place to swim in NZ is?
Georgia Cubbon in front of a beach background

What is your favourite memory of summer as a kid?


Dad rowing us up and down the estuary in Tairua with no chance of relaxing until both kids had caught a fish. I remember him pulling the oars up as we drifted past this enormous local sea elephant lying on the bank and saying, “Look, he’s having a kip…” when suddenly this absolute blubber submarine launched itself into the water. That, coupled with the sudden tension on my sister’s fishing line and I’m shouting, “Dad! We’ve hooked Humphrey!” which then had my sister screaming rather than celebrating the kahawai she’d finally hooked. Whether or not Humphrey was in tow clearly wasn’t up for debate with Dad – and, man, those oars were smoking as he motored us back up the bay!

What lessons from 2024 are you bringing into the new year?

Be grateful, be present, encourage myself to try new things and enjoy the company of good friends whenever possible.

What do you want to leave behind in 2024?


Paper straws and 10-digit passwords.

The budding DJ aged eight at Pukekina Estuary.

Best place to swim in New Zealand?

Lake Rotomā, Rotorua, on a super-hot day is the best.


What five things most define a Kiwi summer?

Chilly bins, Salmonella Dub, jandals, cicadas and proper big ice creams in a cone.

Finish this sentence: “Summer isn’t complete without…”

Falling for the poor old one-legged-seagull-trick and throwing them a hot chip at the beach.


Listen to Georgia 10am to 3pm on The Sound.

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