Rapper/actor Ice-T and his glamour model wife Coco announced some very exciting news at a taping of their talk show last week: Coco is pregnant!
The couple, who have been married since 2001, are expecting their first child together and plan to reveal the baby’s name and sex during the debut episode of their Ice & Coco talk show.
This will be Coco’s first child, while Ice-T has two children from previous relationships.
First-time mum Coco clearly couldn’t be more excited to welcome her little bundle of joy and gushed about the news in an interview with a radio station on Monday.
“I’ve been pregnant for a while, but we’ve been holding it between us for quite some time,” Coco said on air.
“We just finally released it this past Friday on our talk show and it was a really awesome moment. I cried. I didn’t think I was going to actually cry, but it was a nice feeling to finally know that the world knows and I don’t have to hide it anymore.”