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U2’s Bono rescued by police after Nice terror attack

The singer was caught up in the shocking Bastille Day attack in Nice.

Lead singer and rock legend Bono had to be evacuated from a nearby restaurant during the Bastille Day terror attack in Nice, it was reported today.

The 56-year-old singer – who owns a home in the nearby town of Eze – found himself caught up in the horror while dining on the terrace of La Petite Maison.

When the mass murderer drove his lorry into crowds watching the fireworks nearby, Bono and the other diners in the restaurant froze in fear.

The owner of the upmarket restaurant has spoken out about the awful events that night, revealing the panic that gripped the crowds when the horrifying attack began.

“Suddenly I saw people running, without shouting,” said Anne-Laure Rubi. “It was a silent panic, it was extraordinary.”

It emerged today that Bono was dining in a nearby restaurant when the horrifying attack began.

The restaurant staff pulled down the shutters, and instructed everyone to hide and remain calm.

It took 30 minutes of crouching in fear before the police came to evacuate and rescue the patrons.

“It took around half an hour for the police to get us out,” said another diner.

“Like everybody else, Bono had to put his hands on his head, and was told to remain calm. The police were clearly very worried that terrorists might still be at large, and everybody was under suspicion.”

Bono was also in France when the Paris terror attacks occurred.

Bono had reportedly been out to dinner with a group of friends on the night.

The shocking incident marks the second time the singer has found himself close to a major terrorist attack.

Bono pays an emotional tribute to victims of the Paris attacks in the clip below. Post continues.

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He was rehearsing for a concert nearby in Paris when ISIS attacked the Bataclan theatre killing 89 people in November.

The musician ignored advice to leave the French capital, instead making their way to the theatre where the attack occurred to pay their respects.

Bono was one of several celebrities in France at the time of the Nice attack. Singer Rihanna was in the South of France as part of her Anti World Tour and shared a message informing fans that her concert for the following day had been cancelled in the wake of the tragic event.

The Fifty Shades of Grey cast had also been in Nice filming scenes for the upcoming sequel, but were later reported to be safe and sound.

The day after the Nice attack, U2 took to Twitter to share a message with their fans, writing: “Love is bigger than anything in its way”.

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day Australia

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