
Gemma McCaw’s 11 simple changes that will transform your life

These simple ideas require zero talent but will make the world a happier place.

In life, we often don’t have control over what happens to us, but we do have control over how we respond. It’s never too late to start making some small changes in life that can make a big difference to yourself and those around you. These are all things that require no talent and they’re not based on circumstance – it’s all entirely up to you!

Be open

Listen to feedback and be willing to learn. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for assistance or advice as doing so helps us grow and improve.

Use your body

Research suggests that our non-verbal communication has the biggest bearing on how others view us, even more so than our carefully chosen words. The way we hold ourselves, the gestures we make and expressions on our faces all impact on others. So next time you’re having a conversation, make sure you look the person in the eye, demonstrate an authentic interest in what they’re saying and respond wholeheartedly.

Work at it

There are no shortcuts to a place worth going, so it’s no coincidence that people who do well have an unwavering work ethic. Being disciplined and consistent are mainstays of success. It’s also crucial to be honest. Ask yourself, “Have I given it absolutely everything?” Leave no stone unturned.

Show passion!

What lights you up inside? Ignite your passions and follow what you love in life. Don’t be afraid of your inner child – if you light up about what you do, it gives others permission to follow their dreams too.

Be kind

Kindness means being friendly, generous and considerate. It also involves warmth, concern and gentleness. Being kind takes courage and strength, and is never a weakness. Ask yourself how you can use your kindness each day.

Do the prep

This means you must be willing to do everything you can and give yourself every opportunity to be successful. Whatever you want to conquer – be it fitness, relationships or career – you must go out there and put the time in before you can expect

the rewards.

Think positive

Cultivate a glass-half-full approach and watch how this impacts all areas of your life. A can-do attitude not only boosts positive emotions, which are essential for our wellbeing, but it also lifts others around us.

Be punctual

Arriving on time is an important way of showing that we are sincere and trustworthy. It’s about valuing and respecting other people and their commitments.

Make an effort

We get out what we put in. This applies to all areas of our lives – work, sport, friendships, relationships … the list goes on. The more effort we invest, the greater the return.

Fire up!

When you walk into a room, do you energise or de-energise it? Energy and enthusiasm are contagious – if you’re excited about something, the people around you will be too.

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